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Free Download Folder Icons For Laptop

Windows 10 lets you change individual folder icons for easy identification, but yet does not allow you to change folder icon color. That means, to change the folder icon color, you have to take the help of a third-party tool.

If you prefer to set different colors to different folders for easy identification, you can utilize the freeware tool. Over the internet, there is a bunch of free as well paid software are available; out of those, we have picked up six that are free and best to change the folder icon color on Windows 10 operating system.

Here is the list of the best six freeware tool to change the folder icon color on Windows 10:-

  1. CustomFolders
  2. Folder Painter
  3. Folder Marker
  4. Folder Colorizer
  5. Rainbow Folders
  6. Shedko FolderIco

Change Folder colors in Windows 10/11


CustomFolders is a free and portable software to customize the color and icon of folders on a Windows 11/10 machine. Once you run it on your PC, it integrates into right-click context menu. To modify an icon and color, right-click on a folder and select the CustomFolder option. CustomFolders program will open where you can change the icon, color and add an emblem on it.

It is an impressive application for Windows 11/10. You can read more and download it from here.

Folder Painter

FolderPainter is a freeware application that lets you change your folder's color, default yellow to any other color. Using this application, you can assign any color to your frequently accessed folders; for example, for urgent folders, you can set Red color; for standard folders, you can choose the green color, etc. Once you have colorized the folders according to your need, you can quickly access all of them in one go. You don't have to run your eyes over many folders to access your favorite folder. Having a different color will make the folder stand out so that you can open it quickly.

Folder Painter comes with an easy-to-use interface, and also it is a portable program, which means there is no need to install it to use it. You can easily carry it in a pen drive. It is compatible with Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 8, and Windows 7. You can download the Folder Painter from the official website.

Once you have downloaded the Folder Painter app, extract it into a folder using WinRAR. For the 32-bit operating system, you can use "FolderPainter_x86," and for 64-bit OS, you can use the file "FolderPainter_x64.exe" both will be available under the same folder.

Once the Folder Painter is running,  you can choose an icon pack from the left pane, three icon packages are available by default, but you can download 21 icon packs in total.

Clicking on the "install" button, Folder Painter will add itself to the Context menu. Once it will sit in the Context menu, right-click any folder to open its context menu that will now include a "Change Folder Icon" option as in the snapshot below. Select that option to expand its submenu. Furthermore, clicking on any color will change the folder icon color immediately.

Once you are not happy with the changed color or want to set it to the default yellow color icon back, right-click on the folder and select the "Default Folder Icon" option from the "Change Folder Icon" options.

Folder Marker

Folder Marker is another freeware utility that lets you set different colors to different folders on your Windows 10 computer or laptop. Though the program is easy to use, it does not integrate itself in the right-click context menu in the free version. You need to browse the folder through the software to change the folder icon color. It even lets you restore the default color of the folder by clicking the Restore Default option. Click More Icons to see more colors and folder icons.

Unlike the other freeware, it allows you to customize several folders at once. Select a group of folders and assign a new icon.

The Folder Marker is compatible with Windows XP, 2003, Vista, 7, 8, 8.1, 10, and Windows 11; both 32-bit and 64-bit editions. You can download the latest version from its official website.

Folder Colorizer

Folder Colorizer is another popular folder icon color changer for Windows 11/10. With Folder Colorizer version 2.0, you can set beautiful colors to your folders for easy identification. It is different from the others as it allows you to choose the custom color for your need.

During the installation, it asks to send anonymous data to the developer. However, you can prevent it from sending data by unchecking the Send anonymous data option during the installation.

Once this software is installed, it will integrate itself on the right-click context menu. You can change any folder's color by right-clicking on the folder and selecting Colorize from the context menu.

In our test, the software allows you to color a single folder; after that, you have to purchase a license. You can download the latest version of Folder Colorizer from here.

Rainbow Folders

Rainbow Folders is another free software that lets you change the Windows 10 operating system's folder icon colors. The official website says it is not yet compatible with Windows 11/10; however, it is working fine in our test.

This tool also helps to rebuild the icon cache. The option is helpful for those who cannot see the newly applied color. Rebuild the icon cache to load the new folder color.

You can download the latest version of Rainbow Folders from here.

Shedko FolderIco

FolderIco is another freeware utility to change the default color of folders. Once you download and install it on your PC, it integrates itself into right-click context menu and allows you to change the folder by right-clicking on it.

You can download the Shedko FolderIco from here.


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